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Lunar Eclipses

There is an eclipse of the Moon when the Moon enters in the umbra or penumbra of the Earth. Contrary to solar eclipses during which the Sun isn’t obscured but occulted by the Moon, the lunar eclipses show the lack of illumination of the Moon for which the Sun is hidden by the Earth. For an observer located on the Moon’s surface, there is an eclipse of the Sun. The Sun, the Earth and the Moon are then almost aligned, and we are at the Full Moon. If the orbital plane of the Moon was the same as of the Earth (Ecliptic), then we would have an eclipse of the Moon on each Full Moon, but the Moon’s orbital plane is tilted by 5° 17′ from the Earth’s orbital plane at the Full Moon. The intersection of those two planes is a line called line of nodes and the intersections between this line and the Ecliptic are called node of the Moon’s orbit. To have an eclipse, the Moon must be near the line of nodes during the Full Moon.
There are total, partial and penumbral eclipses of the Moon. There is a total eclipse when the Moon is totally inside the umbra of the Earth and a partial eclipse when only part of Moon is inside the umbra of the Earth. Finally, a penumbral eclipse of the Moon is when no point of the Moon is inside the Earth’s umbra and all or some part of the Moon is inside the penumbra of the Earth, meaning that from the Moon we can view only a partial eclipse of the Sun.
The solar eclipses predate or follow the lunar eclipses by 14 about days. To compute all the dates and types of eclipses of the Moon, a lunar eclipse calculator is available for your own use. A time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings. Those who want to concentrate on observing the event visually can rely on Lunar Eclipse Maestro to automatically take pictures for them.

You can also explore the Five Millennium (-1999 to +3000) Canon of Lunar Eclipses and create Google Maps and Google Earth files for 12,064 eclipses.

Mapping Tools & Next Eclipses • Five Millennium Canon

• Total 2018 January 31
• Total 2018 July 27
• Total 2019 January 21
• Partial 2019 July 16
• Penumbral 2020 January 10
• Penumbral 2020 June 5
• Penumbral 2020 July 5
• Penumbral 2020 November 30
• Total 2021 May 26
• Partial 2021 November 19
• Total 2022 May 16
• Total 2022 November 8
• Penumbral 2023 May 5
• Penumbral 2024 March 25
• Partial 2024 September 18
• Total 2025 March 14
• Total 2025 September 7
• Total 2026 March 3

This is page "Lunar Eclipses" |  Page "Lunar Eclipse Photography"
Lunar Eclipse 2003 Botswana Lunar Eclipse 2004 Chile
Lunar Eclipse 2007 USA Lunar Eclipse 2008 France Lunar Eclipse 2010 USA
Lunar Eclipse June 2011 Namibia Lunar Eclipse December 2011 India Lunar Eclipse April 2014 Chile
Lunar Eclipse October 2014 USA Australia Lunar Eclipse April 2015 USA Lunar Eclipse September 2015 Namibia France
Lunar Eclipse January 2018 Oman Lunar Eclipse July 2018 Namibia Australia Canary Spain Lunar Eclipse January 2019 Chile Argentina USA Canary Islands Spain
Lunar Eclipse May 2021 USA Mexico Australia Chile Argentina Lunar Eclipse November 2021 USA Mexico Australia Chile Argentina Lunar Eclipse May 2022 USA Mexico Australia Chile Argentina Namibia South Africa
Lunar Eclipse November 2022 USA Mexico Australia Chile Argentina Namibia South Africa Lunar Eclipse March 2025 USA Mexico Australia Chile Argentina Lunar Eclipse September 2025 USA Mexico Australia Chile Argentina
Lunar Eclipse March 2026 USA Mexico Australia Chile Argentina    
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Software: Lunar Eclipse Maestro

  Lunar Eclipse Maestro Software Main Screen Preview

This application controls up to 4 USB, Firewire or Ethernet connected DSLR and CCD cameras during a lunar eclipse, so that you can be free to concentrate on observing the event visually. This brief overview will let you know more.

Now available for download

Requires: MacOS X 10.4.x (Tiger), 10.5.x (Leopard), 10.6.x (Snow Leopard), 10.7.x (Lion), 10.8.x (Mountain Lion), 10.9.x (Mavericks), 10.10.x (Yosemite), 10.11.x (El Capitan), 10.12.x (Sierra), 10.13.x (High Sierra) or 10.14.x (Mojave); not compatible with Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey or newer

Last page update on December 23, 2016.
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