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 Total Lunar Eclipse of 2004 October 27-28
 near Miñiques & Miscanti lagoons, Chile

During my stay in Chile and Bolivia, the area around the 4,200 meters high (13,800 ft.) Miñiques and Miscanti lagoons will be the perfect spot to observe the Total Lunar Eclipse of October 27-28, 2004. The viewing site is located at the edge of the driest desert on Earth: the Atacama; the weather should be nice at this time of the year.
This page will be updated in December 2004.

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Lunar Eclipse Sky 2004
Sky at mid eclipse
(as seen from Miñiques & Miscanti lagoons, Chile)

Lunar Eclipse Map 2004
Eclipse map
(courtesy of Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC)

Lunar Eclipse Diagram 2004
Total Lunar Eclipse diagram
(courtesy of Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC)

Lunar Eclipse 2004 Viewing Site
Total Lunar Eclipse viewing site
(photo taken in September 2002)

Download Total Lunar Eclipse movie preview (control-click or right-click to download and save the file):

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Low-Res AVI (2.6 Mb)

Total Lunar Eclipse Movie Preview
(Requires QuickTime)

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Last page update on October 8, 2004.
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Xavier M. Jubier