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 Total Lunar Eclipse of 2018 January 31
 from Australia, Myanmar, India or the USA

Australia is the most appropriate country to observe this total lunar eclipse from as the chances of clear skies are excellent, moreover with nice landscapes and good road network. Finally the lunar eclipse will occur in the evening after a marvelous moonrise. Myanmar (Burma), India or Bangladesh are also good choices with the US Southwest last thanks to its easy connections but also very early morning eclipse. In the end my destination will be southern California because a quick return trip can be made easily.
With my Lunar Eclipse Maestro software, you can know much more about each lunar eclipses and control your digital cameras to automate the photography part in order to fully enjoy the eclipse visually.

The next total lunar eclipse will occur on 2018 July 27-28 and my preferred viewing site would have been located in Namibia to optimize the weather conditions. However the sixth international Solar Eclipse Conference (SEC 2018) will be held in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain from July 27 to 28th, 2018 is now held at the beginning of August in Genk, Belgium, which means I will very likely observe the lunar eclipse from the slopes of the Teide volcano in Tenerife where the weather is usually good as well Kalahari desert in South Africa where the sky is usualy clear.

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Lunar Eclipse Map 2018
Eclipse visibility map

Lunar Eclipse Diagram 2018
Total Lunar Eclipse diagram

Mean Afternoon Cloud Cover January
Mean Afternoon Cloud Cover February
Mean afternoon cloud cover in January and February
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

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