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 Total Lunar Eclipse of 2008 February 21
 from Val Thorens, France

Shortly after returning from my annular eclipse expedition in Antarctica there was a total lunar eclipse on 2008 February 21. My viewing site was located in Val Thorens, a skiing station French Alps.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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Lunar Eclipse Sky 2008
Sky at maximum eclipse in France
(as seen from Paris)

Lunar Eclipse Map 2008
Eclipse visibility map

Lunar Eclipse Diagram 2008
Total Lunar Eclipse diagram

Lunar Eclipse 2008 Viewing Site
Total lunar eclipse viewing site in Val Thorens, French Alps

Lunar Eclipse February 2008
Partial lunar eclipse at 03:00am CET

Total Lunar Eclipse February 2008
Mid-eclipse at 04:26am CET

Lunar Eclipse February 2008
Partial lunar eclipse at 05:25am CET

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Last page update on February 23, 2008.
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Xavier M. Jubier