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 Total Lunar Eclipse of 2021 May 26
 from the USA, Mexico, Australia, Chile or Argentina

The US Southwest, Mexico and Australia will be the best locations to observe this short total lunar eclipse in its entirety. Otherwise Chile and Argentina with totality occuring at moonset can both be enticing, particularly in Argentina with the reddish Moon over the snow-capped peaks of the Andes. With just six months to go before the December 4th total solar eclipse in Antarctica my destination was likely to be once again California provided the borders were open; in the end the Covid-19 pandemic prompted me to switch to Mexico and do some scouting for the 2024 April 8th total solar eclipse. Thanks to the Covid-19 travel restrictions Australia was not a realistic option, and other destinations were also questionnable…
With my Lunar Eclipse Maestro software, you can know much more about each lunar eclipses and control your digital cameras to automate the photography part in order to fully enjoy the eclipse visually.

The next total lunar eclipse will occur on 2022 May 15-16th and my preferred viewing site will likely be in Namibia to optimize the weather conditions. However the partial lunar eclipse on 2021 November 19th is extremely deep and reasonnably close to a total one, so traveling for it is a possibility to seriously consider since it’s on the way to the December 4th total solar eclipse in Antarctica.

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Lunar Eclipse Map 2021
Eclipse visibility map

Lunar Eclipse Diagram 2021
Total Lunar Eclipse diagram

Mean Afternoon Cloud Cover May
Mean Afternoon Cloud Cover June
Mean afternoon cloud cover in May and June
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

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Last page update on December 23, 2020.
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Xavier M. Jubier