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 Total Lunar Eclipse of 2010 December 21
 from Monument Valley, USA

During the Christmas and New Year holidays a total lunar eclipse occurred on 2010 December 21 for the winter solstice. My viewing site was located in the well known Monument Valley. The last such eclipse during the winter solstice occurred in 1638.
The next total lunar eclipse will occur on 2011 June 15.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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Lunar Eclipse Sky 2010
Sky at maximum eclipse in the USA
(as seen from Monument Valley)

Lunar Eclipse Map 2010
Eclipse visibility map

Lunar Eclipse Diagram 2010
Total Lunar Eclipse diagram

Lunar Eclipse 2010 Viewing Site
Total lunar eclipse viewing site in Monument Valley

Lunar Eclipse December 2010
Partial lunar eclipse at 07:01am UTC

Total Lunar Eclipse December 2010
At the beginning of totality at 07:48 UTC

Lunar Eclipse 21 December 2010 Cloud Cover Animation USA
Cloud cover animation over the USA

In retrospect that lunar eclipse was a fairly dim one and I would give it a Danjon 2 to 3 rating.

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Last page update on December 23, 2010.
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