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 Total Solar Eclipse of 2008 August 1st
 China, Mongolia, Russia

The point of greatest eclipse (totality phase during 2 min 27 sec) lies in northern Siberia near the Kara Sea. This hardly reachable and isolated area is also swampy and the weather at this time of the year not good enough. An inspection visit in this area will however be conducted in 2007 around the point of greatest eclipse near Nadym, the Gazprom town of natural gas. To get more promising weather prospects while still having a good duration (totality phase between 2 min 20 sec and 1 min 50 sec) and be able to visit the area, it is much more interesting to be more to the south.
To observe the "China Olympics" 2008 August 1st total solar eclipse, my "Eclipse-City" associates are offering four main tours in China and Russia. All the scouting trips have already taken place between August 2004 and October 2006 (Chinese Gobi along the "Silk Road" in the Xinjiang Uighur province, Western Mongolia, Novosibirsk area in Russia and Altai Republic, a Russian Federation autonomous region well known for its Altai Mountains and belonging to UNESCO World Heritage).

To book these tours (detailed itineraries & prices) or for more information please contact us (limited space available). "A la carte" side trips can be proposed. An example is the visit to the 7,546 meters high impressive Muztagh Ata peak base camp and then some mountaineering for the most adventurous.

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse, and the solar eclipse timer notifies the beginning of the various events. A time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

Tours in China :

Ancient Silk Road
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Great Wall
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Tours in Russia :

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Total Eclipse 2008
Eclipse circumstances
(Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC)

Get Adobe Flash Player to see these animated images.

Total Eclipse 2008 Animation
Eclipse animation

Eclipse August Average Cloudiness Graph Centerline
Average August cloudiness graph
in percent along the eclipse centerline
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Eclipse 2008 August Cloud Amount Percent
Average August cloud amount
in percent
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Eclipse 2008 Cloud Amount Higher Resolution
Average August cloud amount
in percent at higher resolution
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Eclipse 2008 China Sky
Eclipse sky preview in China

Mongolia Bor Udzuur China
China and Mongolia scouting trips

Chinese Mongolian Gobi Map
Chinese and Mongolian Gobi map

Altai Republic
Altai Republic, Russian Federation

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Last page update on April 10, 2006.
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Xavier M. Jubier