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Drapeau Costa Rica

 Annular Solar Eclipse of 2001 December 14
 near Nosara, Costa Rica

To observe the annular eclipse on December 14, 2001, I went in Costa Rica on the pacific coastline in the small village of Nosara. At this time of the year the climate is usually good and dry without much precipitations. But once in Costa Rica the weather has rather been rainy during all the trip outside the Guanacaste province (Nicoya peninsula) where you can find Nosara.
On December 14 at the Guiones beach in Nosara, big and low clouds came in just two hours before the beginning of the eclipse. The annularity phase could not be observed as the sky was completely covered, only the very beginning of the eclipse was visible.

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Costa Rica 2001
4WD for the odyssey in Costa Rica

Volcan Arenal
Erupting Arenal volcano

Cloud Forest Monteverde
"Cloud Forest" of Monteverde

Casa Romantica Nosara
Casa Romantica in Nosara

Map Eclipse 2001
Map of the eclipse

Eclipse 2001
Partial phase between the clouds

Eclipse 2001
Partial phase between the clouds

Map Eclipse 2001
Local circumstances map





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Last page update on December 23, 2001.
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