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 Annular Solar Eclipse of 2016 September 1st
 from La Réunion Island

To observe the 2016 September 1st annular eclipse, I was going to visit Madagascar and have some great time on the marvelous island with the best possible weather along the track particularly on its west coast. However late July 2016, due to unforeseen work constraints, I had to ditch my plans and switch over to a much shorter and far more flexible trip to La Réunion island.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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One can see on the maps below that to get the clearest possible sky you had to be located on the lee side of La Réunion island. This proved to be true during my short stay on the island and observations from the northern limit were cancelled due to the cloud cover.

Annual Rainfall Temperature Map La Réunion
Map of the annual rainfall (in millimeters) and temperatures (°C) in La Réunion

The eclipse viewing occurred from the west coast of La Réunion in the gardens of the LUX* Saint-Gilles hotel. The sky was clear with some thin clouds.

LUX* Saint-Gilles-les-Bains La Réunion
Saint-Gilles-les-Bains First Second Maximum Third Fouth Contact Simulation La Réunion
Simulation from first to fourth contact in Saint-Gilles-les-Bains, La Réunion

Annular Solar Eclipse 2016 Between First Second Contact
Between first and second contacts

Annular Solar Eclipse 2016 Before Second Contact
Shortly before second contact

Annular Solar Eclipse 2016 After Second Contact
Shortly after second contact

Annular Solar Eclipse 2016 Maximum
Maximum eclipse

Annular Solar Eclipse 2016 Maximum Reflexion
Reflexion at maximum eclipse

Annular Solar Eclipse 2016 Before Third Contact
Shortly before third contact

Annular Solar Eclipse 2016 After Third Contact
Shortly after third contact

Annular Solar Eclipse 2016 Between Third Fourth Contact
Between third and fourth contacts

Annular Solar Eclipse 2016 Before Thourth Contact
Shortly before fourth contact

The following 50-minute time-lapse around maximum eclipse show the brightness variation during the solar eclipse when the obscuration of the solar disk by the Moon ranges from 67% to 94%.

One week after my 15-mile (25-kilometer) hike on the Piton de la Fournaise up to its Dolomieu crater rim, the volcano erupted.

Piton Fournaise Volcano Dolomieu Crater Panoramic View La Réunion
Panoramic view of the Dolomieu Crater on the Piton de la Fournaise volcano

Piton Fournaise Volcano Dolomieu Crater Panoramic View La Réunion
Panoramic opposite view of the Dolomieu Crater

Landscape Piton Fournaise Volcano La Réunion
View of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano

The cloud cover along the annular eclipse path was quite favorable.

Satellite Cloud Cover Africa Madagascar La Réunion 2016 September 1st 10:15 UTC
Cloud cover at 10:15 UTC on 2016 September 1st in white light and infrared (images courtesy of sat24.com)

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Last page update on September 6, 2016.
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Xavier M. Jubier