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 Annular Solar Eclipse of 2005 October 3
 Libya ليبيا (Great Libyan Jamahiriya)

This page briefly describe the selection, and then the inspection, of the viewing site (4 min 27 sec) for the 2005 October 3 annular solar eclipse. The greatest eclipse point is located in Sudan, but Libya is perfect for the weather at this time of the year and also because this eclipse will enable us to better prepare the total eclipse of 2006 March 29 in southern Libya. FYI the Ramadan starts on Wednesday October 5, 2005.

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse. The time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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Eclipse 2005
Eclipse from space

Eclipse 2005
Eclipse circumstances
(Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC)

Eclipse 2005 Cloud Cover
Mean cloud cover
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Eclipse 2005 Animation
Eclipse animation

Eclipse 2005 Viewing Site
"Eclipse-City" viewing sites

Eclipse 2005 Sky
Sky preview during the eclipse

Eclipse 2005 2006 Viewing Site
"Eclipse-City" viewing sites

Eclipse 2005 2006
"Eclipse-City" viewing site from space
(image collected 2005.06.30, ©2005 Space Imaging LLC)

Eclipse’s umbra — © Eumetsat 2005
(6.6 MB, 7 sec — QuickTime required)

Eclipse 2005
Eclipse’s umbra at 09:12 UT
(© Eumetsat 2005)

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Last page update on June 3, 2004.
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