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 Solar Eclipse Calculator Dashboard Widget for MacOS X
 Version 1.0.6 (October 8, 2007)


The Solar Eclipse Calculator widget is used to compute the local circumstances of any solar eclipse from 1970 to 2099. It is localized in English, French and Chinese.

To use it first select an eclipse from the top pop-up menu, then enter the latitude and longitude coordinates and altitude of your observation location before clicking on the "Calculate Eclipse Circumstances" button. Times are given in Universal Time (UT), but you can select the time zone to have the local time.

The world map at the bottom right will show your location as a red cross and the links at the bottom left will let you access interactive Google Maps or Google Earth files of the eclipse.


  • 2005 July 5 : version 1.0.0. First public release.
  • 2006 January 25 : version 1.0.1. Minor bug corrections.
  • 2006 February 12 : version 1.0.2. Minor tweaks.
  • 2007 February 2 : version 1.0.3. Chinese localization (Wang Chun).
  • 2007 October 6 : version 1.0.4. Added refraction.
  • 2007 October 7 : version 1.0.5. Modified the Besselian elements.
  • 2007 October 8 : version 1.0.6. Automatic check for update.


Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger or later is required.
Download the Solar Eclipse Calculator Dashboard Widget (632 KB) and then double-click on it to install.

Solar Eclipse Calculator is a freeware widget. Commercial distribution is strictly forbidden. Please contact me first before any commercial use. For the time being this software will remain free, but you should make a donation to support my work and show your appreciation.

Copyright 2006-2009 Xavier Jubier, http://xjubier.free.fr/

Solar Eclipse Calculator Sample Screenshot

Last page update on October 8, 2007.
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Xavier M. Jubier