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 Total Solar Eclipse of 2013 November 3 in Kenya

The point of greatest eclipse (totality phase during 1 min 40 sec) lies in the Gulf of Guinea in the Atlantic Ocean. The weather prospects aren’t that good at this time of the year over the area crossed by the eclipse path, nevertheless there are quite a few interesting land-based locations, particularly at the end of the path where the Baily’s beads display will be amazing (view the simulations) and where totality will last less than twenty seconds. To observe this short total solar eclipse, I was onboard the very challenging eclipse flight from Bermuda as the expert navigator.

This hybrid solar eclipse starts as an annular and soon after becomes total when using the usual eclipse classification based on a smooth lunar limb profile. However when taking the lunar limb profile into account this does a lot of damage to the eclipse classification, so much so that the eclipse could never be seen to be annular, not even briefly. So most of the central line will only show a total eclipse, but even then a truly total eclipse will not be seen until about 11:06:45 UTC. Before then neither a total nor annular eclipse is possible as no umbral outline exists on the surface of the Earth.

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse, and the solar eclipse timer notifies the beginning of the various events. A time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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Viewing Sites —>  Bermuda E-Flight Bermuda Flag |  Pokwero Uganda Flag |  Lambaréné Gabon Flag |  Lake Turkana Kenya Flag
Lake Turkana Kenya
Potential viewing site around lake Turkana in Kenya

Due to a sudden and massive dust and rain storm, both the eastern and western shores of Lake Turkana were clouded out for most of totality. The only escape was to use a light aircraft to fly over the clouds.
Aircraft Cessna Grand Caravan 208B Lake Turkana Kenya Catalin Beldea
Two Cessna Grand Caravan 208B during the dust storm at Lake Turkana before takeoff, courtesy Catalin Beldea

Simulation of Glenn Schneider’s group observation flight #2 to the west of Lake Turkana
[requires an H.264/MPEG-4 decoder: Windows users can install the Windows Essentials Codec Pack]

EFLIGHT Lake Turkana Kenya Catalin Beldea
Totality from the eclipse flight to the west of Lake Turkana, courtesy of Catalin Beldea

Eastern Shore Lake Turkana Casado Hernández Eclipse 2013 November 3
From the eastern shore of lake Turkana,
courtesy of J.C. Casado and D. Hernández

Eastern Shore Lake Turkana Casado Hernández Eclipse 2013 November 3
From the eastern shore of lake Turkana, courtesy of J.C. Casado

On the way back from Lake Turkana for the total solar eclipse by BRCK

BRCK Sibiloi National Park Lake Turkana Kenya
BRCK from the Sibiloi National Park on the eastern shore of Lake Turkana

Up to a month before the total solar eclipse the KWS Sibiloi National Park was the location I was going to be at, on the eastern shore of lake Turkana where the huge dust storm occured, before committing to the Bermuda eclipse flight. A good call due to last minute constraints…

KWS Sibiloi National Park Lake Turkana Kenya

Viewing Sites —>  Bermuda E-Flight Bermuda Flag |  Pokwero Uganda Flag |  Lambaréné Gabon Flag |  Lake Turkana Kenya Flag
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Last page update on November 10, 2013.
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