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 Total Solar Eclipse of 2024 April 8
 in Mexico, the United States of America or Canada

The point of greatest eclipse (totality phase during 4 min 28 sec) lies in Mexico in the Durango state. Some people will try to observe this eclipse at the crossing point with the 2017 one in the USA, while on my side I will likely travel to Mexico where the duration is longer and the weather prospects better. Weather-wise Canada is not looking great and temperatures can still be quite low, yet on a clear day the atmosphere will be drier than in the south in say Texas or even Mexico.

More comprehensive information and useful eclipse goodies can be found on the Great American Eclipse website maintained by my friend Michael Zeiler. The maps have been created using the data computed by my Solar Eclipse Maestro software. Please take also a moment to read those comprehensive instructions on how to observe the eclipse safely.

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse, and the solar eclipse timer notifies the beginning of the various events. A time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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Total Solar Eclipse 2024
Eclipse circumstances

Total Solar Eclipse 2024 April Cloud Cover
Average cloudiness in April along the path of totality
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Total Solar Eclipse 2024 Animation
Eclipse animation

Eclipse 2024 April Average Cloud Cover
Average cloudiness over North America in April (courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Eclipse 2024 April Average Cloud Cover Centerline
Centerline average cloudiness over North America in April (courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Durango Cathedral Mexico
Durango cathedral in Mexico

As one can see there is a three-fold increase in eclipse maps loads centered on April 8, already five years before 2024. It’s an early sign that this eclipse will likely drive the maps loads in the millions just like in 2017. The financial costs resulting from such an influx of visitors are substantial, a few hundred US Dollars this month and therefore by extrapolation a few tens of thousands of US Dollars or more in 2024 based on what happened in 2017.

Google Maps Loads 2024 April 2019
Eclipse Google maps loads statistics during the month of April 2019 from my website

Weather-wise Mexico is a clear winner and a study over three weeks confirms what the weather statistics over the past 20 years tell us. Even on a difficult day, such as 2019 April 24th, it could be seen in Mazatlán, Mexico, while the whole of Texas which usually has the best weather prospects in the USA within the eclipse path is bad.

Bad Weather Study Total Solar Eclipse 2024
Sample of difficult weather on 2019 April 24th (scroll left and right to have a look at the webcams)

8 April 2019
8 April 2019

Three Day Window April 2019
Three-day window 7-9 April 2019

Thirteen Day Window April 2019
Thirteen-day window 1-13 April 2019

24 Day Window April 2019
24-day window 1-24 April 2019

Each Day April 2019
Each day from April 1st to 15th, 2019

30 Day Window April 2019
30-day window 1-30 April 2019

And now April 8th 2020 with also an animation.

8 April 2020
8 April 2020

8 April 2020

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Last page update on May 10, 2020.
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