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 Total Solar Eclipse of 2020 December 14
 in Argentina, Chile or aboard a Cruise Ship

Fifteen months after the July 2019 total solar eclipse another one will cross the same two countries at a different latitude and season. The point of greatest eclipse (totality phase during 2 min 10 sec) lies in Patagonia, Argentina. Before reaching Chile or after leaving Argentina, there is no landmass inside its totality path in the Southern Pacific and Southern Atlantic oceans. Do note that from December 9th to 14th there will be an IAU Symposium (Education and Heritage in the Era of Big Data in Astronomy) in San Carlos de Bariloche and you are encouraged to attend if you’re in the area.
Cruise ships will likely be inside the eclipse path, but for those who prefer to be on firm ground Argentina provides good weather prospects and the longest duration. During a period of 10 years, 2010 to 2020, both Chile and Argentina will experience three total solar eclipses plus one annular.
Covid-19 Update: because of the novel coronavirus pandemic the IAU Symposium 367 will be held remotely. Thanks to all the sanitary measures and the lack of coordination non-residents from Chile and Argentina are unlikely going to be able to enter those two countries and hence will not be able to view this eclipse from the ground. Which is why I’m working on a plan B to circumvent those restrictions for a small group of people. The goal is to have this alternative option ready by the end of October 2020 when the final call will have to be made if we can’t travel to Chile and Argentina. Of course all this can work out well only if there isn’t a second wave in the northern hemisphere in November and December which would inevitably lead to more border closures! Stay tuned and in the meantime stay safe…

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse, and the solar eclipse timer notifies the beginning of the various events. A time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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First lets have a look at the satellite imagery from GOES-East Southern South America. Looking at the water vapor image is also useful, plus this other view as well.

Live animation in visible light (during the night the image will be black; click the link for a higher resolution)

Live animation in infrared light (works during the night; click the link for a higher resolution)


At this latitude winds in Chile are usually not as strong as in Argentina, yet they may push the clouds straight onto the Andes which wouldn’t be good on eclipse day.

Weather Forecast

Total Solar Eclipse December 2020 South America Map Wind Finder
Wind forecast map centered on Villarrica (WindFinder)


As it can be extremely windy near the Andes but also much farther in the steppe of Patagonia, watching for the wind is paramount. Do make sure that you have a place to shelter and a windbreaker jacket. The only good thing about strong winds is that they clear the sky.

Weather Forecast

Total Solar Eclipse December 2020 South America Ministro Ramos Mexia Map Wind Finder
Wind forecast map centered on Ministro Ramos Mexia (WindFinder)

Weather Forecast

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Last page update on May 10, 2019.
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