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 Total Solar Eclipse of 2010 July 11
 on Easter Island or in the Tuamotu Archipelago

The point of greatest eclipse (totality phase during 5 min 20 sec) lies in the middle of the Pacific Ocean in between French Polynesia and Easter Island. Totality will last between 4 minutes 21 seconds and 4 minutes 46 seconds at those two locations, with very good chances to see the eclipse in the Tuamotu Archipelago and to a lesser extent from Easter Island. In Patagonia an eclipse flight will be provided to optimize the chances and at the same time add nearly a minute to the totality duration.
To observe the 2010 July 11 total solar eclipse, with my "Eclipse-City" associates, we offer tours in the Tuamotu Archipelago in French Polynesia, on Easter Island in Chile and in argentinean Patagonia for those with a tight budget.

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse, and the solar eclipse timer notifies the beginning of the various events. A time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

French Polynesia :
Tuamotu Archipelago
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Chile :
Easter Island
[ Information ]

Argentina :
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Total Eclipse 2010 Mean Cloud Cover
Mean cloud cover in July (uses data from Jay Anderson and Fred Espenak)

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