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Drapeau Angola

 Total Solar Eclipse of 2001 June 21
 South of Lucusse, Angola

To observe the total solar eclipse on June 21, 2001, I went by 4WD in the Moxico province in Angola, starting from Lusaka the capital of Zambia. There the totality phase lasted 4 minutes and 7 seconds and the weather was nearly perfect. If I had any troubles to go to Angola, I could easily fall back in Zambia, a much safer and accessible country than Angola, but with a shorter eclipse duration and potentially less pleasant weather. The sky during the eclipse was marvelous.
Zambian friends, with their Toyota LandCruiser 4WDs, escorted me during all the odyssey towards Angola. Their ethnic background was the area of Zambia along the border with Angola, which simplified the organisation of my short stay in Angola.

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Eclipse 2001
Start of the eclipse
(right after 1st contact)

Eclipse 2001
Between 1st and 2nd contacts

Eclipse 2001
Between 1st and 2nd contacts

Eclipse 2001
Between 1st and 2nd contacts

Eclipse 2001
Between 1st and 2nd contacts

Eclipse 2001
Between 1st and 2nd contacts

Eclipse 2001
Between 1st and 2nd contacts

Eclipse 2001
Between 1st and 2nd contacts

Eclipse 2001
Between 1st and 2nd contacts

Diamond Ring Eclipse 2001
Diamond Ring (2nd contact)

Prominences Eclipse 2001
Totality: prominences

Corona Eclipse 2001
Totality: corona

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Last page update on August 23, 2001.
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Xavier M. Jubier