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 Solar Eclipse Conference 2007 (SEC 2007)
 Los Angeles, United States of America

A Crossroad on Physics & Eclipses of the Sun

The Solar Eclipse Mailing List (SEML) and before the Solar Eclipse Newsletter (SENL) had been successful as a vehicle in bringing together solar eclipse enthusiasts, professionals and amateurs alike. The Solar Eclipse Conference in Antwerp (SEC 2000), October 2000, was an extension of the electronic contacts and was for sure a success. In two days over 35 lectures had been presented to 155 participants from 22 different countries. The Solar Eclipse Conference is repeated at non-central eclipse years. The international Solar Eclipse Conference of 2004 (SEC 2004) was held in August 2004 at the Open University of Milton Keynes, England. SEC 2004 had 115 delegates out of 20 different countries.
The international Solar Eclipse Conference (SEC 2007) was held at the renovated Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles, USA. The program started Friday 24 August 2007 evening and ended Sunday 26 August 2007 afternoon. As icing on the cake, we had the opportunity to watch a total lunar eclipse on August 28 : visible in its entirety only from the western USA, New Zealand or eastern Australia and the Pacific Ocean.
This conference was organized by Patrick & Joanne Poitevin. The proceedings are available from Val and Andrew White.

The fourth international Solar Eclipse Conference (SEC 2011), was organized by SPACE, and held from 2011 December 15th to 17th in New Delhi, India.

The next international Solar Eclipse Conference (SEC 2014), will likely be organized again by Patrick and Joanne Poitevin, and should be held from 2014 October 23rd to 26th in New Mexico, USA.

Project Background |  Speakers |  Location |  Registration |  Sponsoring |  Links
Project Background
SEC 2004 Glenn Schneider E-Flight 2003
2nd International Solar Eclipse Conference
in Milton Keynes, UK
(21 August 2004 Glenn Schneider lecture)
Over the last decade, there have been dramatic changes in solar eclipse traveling. Solar Eclipse specialists meet most of the time in the shadow of the Moon. Solar Eclipse meetings out of totality are rare, or are mainly focused on solar physics. The Solar Eclipse Mailing List and before the Solar Eclipse Newsletter has been successful as a vehicle in bringing together solar eclipse enthusiast, professionals and amateurs alike. Because there was no central eclipse in 2000 we had been presented with a perfect opportunity for an International Solar Eclipse Conference.

We have had this project in mind for some time, but mainly due to planning eclipse travels it has been put on hold. The aim of the conferences is to bring together professionals and amateurs, addicts, enthusiasts, and chasers, as with the mailing list and the newsletter, sharing information, knowledge, and experience. For the same reason we organized an international Solar Eclipse Conference in 2004.

After two international Solar Eclipse Conferences (SEC 2000 and SEC 2004), we feel that still not all topics and subjects, related to solar eclipses have been presented and discussed. SEC 2007 will be the next opportunity to meet and discuss.

Two days of lectures will be given in each of the disciplines : predictions, mathematics, solar physics, weather forecasting, eye safety, diameter measuring, edge and central, and ancient eclipse research. Of course the latest and forthcoming solar eclipses should be great topics of discussion, along with the once-in-a-lifetime Venus Transit. Friday evening is a social event with reception and informal meetings.
We have invited international guest speakers, to give a lecture on their own specialized subject. In addition to the invited speakers, we have quite a number of speakers lined up. See below our preliminary list of of speakers whom agreed to SEC 2007. Where available Abstract and Biography and where a provision title, marked with an asterisk. See our preliminary Program for details.

Speaker Location Title (* provisional) Abstract Biography
Andrey G. Tlatov Kislovodsk Solar Station, Russia (RAS) "Long-term variations of the solar corona form according observation during an epoch of minimum activity" abstract biography
Bob Morris Canada "A Tale of Two Eclipses : 1912 & 1973 — From 0 to 74 Minutes of Totality" abstract biography
Dava Sobel Writer, USA "Why Copernicus was an Eclipse Chaser" abstract biography
David Dunham IOTA, USA "Solar radius variations determined from observations near the edges of central eclipse paths" abstract biography
David Levy USA "Eclipses as Inspiration : Using the eclipse experience to inspire an interest in astronomy" abstract biography
Ed C. Krupp Griffith Observatory, USA "Eclipsing Griffith Observatory" abstract biography
Fred Espenak Goddard Space Flight Center, USA "Five Millennium Canon of Solar Eclipses : -1999 to +3000" abstract biography
Gernot Meiser & Pascale Demy Germany "Adventure eclipse — When the shadow of the moon determines where one has to go" abstract biography
Jay Anderson Canada "Weather and Where : Eclipse Weather for 2008, 2009 and 2010" abstract biography
Glenn Schneider Tucson, USA "Up, up, and away - Chasing the Umbra into the Stratosphere (and Beyond)" abstract biography
Hamid D. Khodashenas Iran "Solar Eclipse in Space : a dream that might come true" abstract biography
Jay M. Pasachoff Williams College, USA "The 2005 and 2006 total and annular eclipses and the 2006 transit of Mercury" + IAU Solar Eclipse Committee abstract biography
Jean-Luc Dighaye EurAstro, Germany "EurAstro and the pro-am collaboration at eclipses" abstract biography
John Tilley & Xavier Jubier United Kingdom & France "Solar Eclipse Mapping & Circumstances — On and Off the Web" abstract biography
Joel Harris Westlake Village, CA, USA "Three Decades of Chasing the Shadow — A Personal Perspective" abstract biography
John E. Westfall Professor Emeritus of Geography at San Francisco State University, USA "A 20-Year Barrage of Transits : 1999-2019" abstract biography
Landon Curt Noll USA "The search for Vulcanoid Asteroids" abstract biography
Lin Lan Hangzhou High School, China "The best observation site for the 2009 total solar eclipse in Eastern China" abstract biography
Marcel Belik Observatory Upice, Czech Republic "Dynamic of polar streamers during 2006 eclipse"
"Dynamic of coronal structures from numerical processed total solar eclipse pictures"
abstract biography
Mike Simmons Mount Wilson Observatory Association, California, USA "A Century of Solar Observing at Mount Wilson Observatory" abstract biography
Miloslav Druckmüller Czech Republic "New image processing techniques in eclipse photography" abstract biography
Ralph Chou University of Waterloo, Canada "Eclipse eye safety update" abstract biography
Raymond Brooks Star Engineering, Arizona Sky Village, Observatory Name "Consideration", USA "The intersection point and immediate area of the figure-8 loops for such solar eclipses" abstract biography
Richard Woo NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, USA "Solar Eclipse Pictures and the Solar Wind" abstract biography
Serge Koutchmy Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris — CNRS, France "Progress on high resolution imaging, polarimetry and spectroscopy during the last total eclipses" abstract biography
Stephen J. Edberg Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California, USA "Choosing and Viewing : A Thinking Observer’s Guide to Eclipse Site Selection and Observations" abstract biography
Tony Misch Lick Observatory, USA "In the Shadow of the Moon : The Lick Observatory Eclipse Expeditions" abstract biography
Vojtech Rusin Slovakia "Enigmatic 2006 corona" abstract biography
William C. Livingston Astronomer/Emeritus, NOAO/National Solar Observatory, USA "Sailing to Tahiti on board the Goodwill : The American-French Eclipse Expedition of 1965" abstract biography
Zoran Mikic Science Applications International Corporation, USA "Modelling and predicting the solar corona" abstract biography
In case we have last minute changes, we have lined up following back up (in replacement sequence) :
Daniel Fischer Germany "The Quest for the Perfect Pearls" abstract biography
Sheridan Williams United Kingdom "The 2008 total solar eclipse — Northwestern China and southern Russia sites —
Viewing prospects, travel logistics, environment and social aspects"
abstract biography

Those invited and could not make it to the conference for a presentation, are apologized.

See Program and Posters as well as Sponsors and Registration, Location and related Links.
Friday 24 August 2007

Informal meeting at Mt. Wilson with possibility of a guided tour and solar observation, reception and lecture by Mike Simmons "A Century of Solar Observing at Mount Wilson Observatory". See our preliminary Program for details.

Your attendance to the Solar Eclipse Conference 2007 is contingent upon the following Terms.
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The Griffith Observatory and its grounds are on the south slope of Mt. Hollywood. The Observatory is owned and operated by the City of Los Angeles, Department of Recreation and Parks, and is located within Griffith Park.

Mailing Address :
Griffith Observatory
2800 East Observatory Road
Los Angeles, CA 90027-1255 USA

Contact numbers :
Offices +1 (323) 664-1181
Observatory Information +1 (323) 664-1191
Sky Report +1 (323) 663-8171
Lat = 34° 07′ 07.0″ N; Long = 118° 18′ 01.3″ W
Elevation = 1,134 ft or 346 m
Magnetic deviation = 14° 7.5′ E

Contact : info@griffithobs.org

For bus information in and around Los Angeles, visit the LADOT or the Metropolitan Transportation Authority web sites.
Registration : PayPal Acceptance Mark Save time. Check out securely. Pay without sharing your financial information.
Please complete the form, then send the completed form, together with your payment to solareclipsewebpages@btopenworld.com. As soon as you receive our confirmation, you are registered.

See our Conference Fees and make sure the amount is transferred using PayPal to solareclipsewebpages@btopenworld.com. Please note there is no other payment option possible.

Please fill in the form below (one form per attendee) and send to solareclipsewebpages@btopenworld.com.

Name :
E-mail address :

Postal Address :

Town :
Postcode/ZIP :
State/Province :
Country :

Telephone number :

Please identify which of the following you would like to register for :

Friday Mt. Wilson Observatory Tour & Opening :
Friday Opening at Mt. Wilson Observatory only :
Saturday Lectures at the Griffith Observatory :
Sunday Lectures at the Griffith Observatory :

Saturday Dinner at the Hilton Glendale :
Fish meal :
Meat meal :

Make sure the amount is transferred by PayPal to solareclipsewebpages@btopenworld.com. Registration is complete when you receive your confirmation. No refunds are given. No exceptions.
Make secure payments with any major credit card through PayPal!
PayPal Verified Visa MasterCard Discover American Express eCheck
Sponsoring : PayPal Acceptance Mark Save time. Check out securely. Pay without sharing your financial information.
Be a Diamond, Gold, Silver or Bronze Sponsor. If you wish to sponsor the conference, please contact us at solareclipsewebpages@btopenworld.com. You can help with flights, stationary, logistics, etc.

Transfer money by PayPal to solareclipsewebpages@btopenworld.com.

Diamond Sponsor
(over USD 10,000)
Gold Sponsor
(from USD 2,000 to 10,000)
Silver Sponsor
(from USD 400 to 2,000)
Bronze Sponsor
(under USD 400)
Griffith Observatory   Derryl Barr
Jay Anderson
Michael Gill
Twilight Tours Inc.
George Lenzen
Matthias Graner
Carter Roberts
Raymond Brooks
Griffith Observatory
See Griffith Observatory shuttle services if you do not want to take the SEC 2007 coach.

Mount Wilson Observatory
150-foot solar tower telescope
Towercam atop the 150-foot tower

Hilton Glendale Hotel
Hilton Los Angeles North/Glendale & Executive Meeting Ctr
100 West Glenoaks Blvd, Glendale, California, United States 91202
Tel : +1 (818) 956-5466
Fax : +1 (818) 956-5490

Bookings code : "SEC"
For individual bookings please identify yourself as being part of "SEC" group. Reservations may be made by calling or directly on the Internet at Hilton.com, Glendale, Reservations. Scroll down menu to Special Accounts and enter your Group Code. You will then be prompted through the registration process.

PS : The special SEC 2007 rate is for Friday 24 and Saturday 25th August 2007 only.

Other Planetariums in the Los Angeles Area :
Complete listing of local planetariums in Southern California,
Public planetarium shows are presented Wednesday evenings during the academic year at U.C.L.A.,
Public planetarium shows are presented on Friday evenings at Santa Monica City College,
The Mt. San Antonio College Planetarium in Walnut is currently undergoing renovation,
Valley College in Van Nuys presents public planetarium shows on some Friday nights,
Planetarium shows are presented at the Donald E. Bianchi Planetarium at Cal State University Northridge in the San Fernando Valley.
Project Background |  Speakers |  Location |  Registration |  Sponsoring |  Links

Last page update on May 21, 2007.
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Guest Book Guest Book
Xavier M. Jubier