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 Partial Solar Eclipse of 2011 July 1st
 off Antarctica

The partial solar eclipse on 2011 July 1st, with a magnitude of 0.097 (an obscuration of less than 4%), was the first of Saros series 156. It is the first new Saros series to begin since saros 155 began with the partial solar eclipse of June 17, 1928 in Siberia. The next such opportunity during my lifetime will be with the beginning of Saros 157 and the partial solar eclipse of June 21, 2058 in either Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland or Russia!
My plan was to use an ultra long-range private jet, such as the Dassault Falcon 7X, leaving Cape Town, South Africa, fly a little more than four hours south to view it airborne near greatest eclipse before returning straight back to Cape Town without refueling. Unfortunately this world premiere didn’t work out due to a lack of funding.

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse.

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Partial Eclipse July 2011
Eclipse circumstances

Partial Solar Eclipse July 2011 Animation
Eclipse animation

Cape Town Takeoff South Africa
Takeoff from Cape Town, South Africa

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Last page update on June 10, 2011.
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