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 Partial Solar Eclipse of 2011 January 4
 in Europe

The first solar eclipse of 2011 is partial and will be visible from much of Europe, North Africa, Middle East and central Asia. The next one of this general type visible in France will be on 2022 October 25, but will have a lower magnitude. The total solar eclipses of 2015 March 20 and 2017 August 21 and the annular of 2021 June 10 will be seen as partial in France. The next partial I will try to observe is on 2011 November 25 in Antarctica.
Greatest eclipse is located in northern Sweden where the eclipse on the horizon will have a magnitude of 0.86. Weather permitting I should be able to see it from home at sunrise.

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse. A time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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PSE 2001 January 4 Stereographic Projection Map
Stereographic projection map of the 2011 January 4 partial solar eclipse

Antony Eclipse View Simulation
Other stereographic projection maps of the 2011 January 4 partial solar eclipse

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