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 Hybrid Solar Eclipse of 2005 April 8
 Polynesia, Pacific Ocean

To observe the hybrid (annular-total) solar eclipse on April 8, 2005, I had first planned to go near the Oeno Atoll (Pacific Ocean - 1,500 mi from Tahiti) on a sailing catamaran. In the end because of a lack of time, I finally switched to a 15-day cruise on board the Radisson M/S Paul Gauguin. This cruise ship, the most luxurious one sailing French Polynesia year-round, was rerouted to offer a cruise, departing from Tahiti, that will permit to observe this eclipse.
The weather being, with a 50% odds to see the eclipse, uncertain at the eclipse interception point this cruise offered some relaxing time and unforgettable moments, such as the visit of Pitcairn Island (Mutiny of the Bounty).
This cruise will also be used to get prepared for the 2010 July 11 total solar eclipse. Observing this eclipse during 4 minutes and 41 seconds in between the Easter Island Moai could be an exiting adventure.

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse. The time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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April 8 2005 Total Solar Eclipse Partial phase
Partial phase 1 minute after totality

Solar corona March 24, 2005
Solar corona on March 24, 2005

Paul Gauguin Grave Graveyard Atuona Hiva Oa Island Marquesas
Paul Gauguin grave in Atuona
on Hiva Oa Island, Marquesas

M/S Paul Gauguin Orchids Atuona Bay Hiva Oa Island Marquesas
M/S Paul Gauguin behind orchids
(Atuona Bay on Hiva Oa Island, Marquesas)

Paul Gauguin Painting Copy Atuona Hiva Oa Marquesas
Paul Gauguin painting copy
(Paul Gauguin museum in Atuona)

Jacques Brel Grave Graveyard Atuona Hiva Oa Marquesas
Jacques Brel grave in Atuona
on Hiva Oa Island, Marquesas

M/S Paul Gauguin Bay Taiohae Nuku Hiva Marquesas
M/S Paul Gauguin in Taiohae Bay
on Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas

Cathedral Notre-Dame Taiohae Nuku Hiva Marquesas
Notre-Dame of the Marquesas cathedral
in Taiohae on Nuku Hiva Island, Marquesas

Sunset south Marquesas
After sunset south of the Marquesas

See you soon...

Eclipse 2005 2006
March 29, 2006 Total Solar Eclipse
recce in Libya

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Last page update on April 9, 2005.
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Xavier M. Jubier