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 Annular Solar Eclipse of 2023 October 14
 in the United States of America, Mexico or Brazil

To observe the 2023 October 14 annular eclipse, I will likely travel to the Yucatán peninsula in Mexico. Mid-October the weather prospects are reasonnably good in the Yucatán because it’s the end of the rainy season. Otherwise there are some marvelous landscapes in the western US with pleasant weather prospects (Crater Lake in Oregon, the Four Corners area, Santa Fe in New Mexico at the northern limit for its Baily beads display, etc).

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse, and the solar eclipse timer notifies the beginning of the various events. A time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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Annular Eclipse 2023 Map
Eclipse circumstances

Annular Solar Eclipse 2023 October Cloud Cover
Average cloudiness in October along the path of annularity
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Annular Solar Eclipse 2023 Animation
Annular eclipse animation

Yucatán Kukulkan Pyramid Mexico
Pyramid of Kukulkan in Mexico (outside the path)

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