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 Annular Solar Eclipse of 2012 May 20
 from the United States of America

To observe the 2012 May 20 annular eclipse, I had decided I would observe from a location near Page in Arizona, most likely somewhere around Lake Powell. Then for the June 5-6 Venus transit I was in Hawaii on the Big Island. For the annular you generally have two main options: observe either from the centerline to have a nice symetrical ring or else at the edges (northern or southern) to witness prolonged Baily’s beads.

You can use this solar eclipse calculator to compute the local circumstances of the eclipse, and the solar eclipse timer notifies the beginning of the various events. A time exposure calculator is there to help you choose your camera settings.

Click on thumbnails for a larger version

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Annular Eclipse 2012
Eclipse circumstances
(Fred Espenak, NASA/GSFC)

Eclipse 2012 May Cloud Cover
Average cloudiness in May
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Map Annular Eclipse USA 2012
Eclipse map over Southwestern USA
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Annular Solar Eclipse 2012 Animation
Annular eclipse animation

Detailed Map Annular Eclipse Utah Arizona 2012
Detailed map of the eclipse
in Utah and Arizona
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

Eclipse 2012 May US Southwest Cloud Cover
US Southwest average cloudiness in May
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)
[Forecast Desk]

Detailed Map Annular Eclipse Utah Arizona New Mexico 2012
Detailed map of the eclipse
in New Mexico
(courtesy of Jay Anderson)

2012 Annular Solar Eclipse Glen Canyon NRA
(courtesy of Tyler Nordgren)
I will be around Page, AZ.

2012 Annular Solar Eclipse Grand Canyon NP
(courtesy of Tyler Nordgren)

2012 Annular Solar Eclipse Bryce Canyon NP
(courtesy of Tyler Nordgren)

2012 Annular Solar Eclipse Chaco Canyon NHP
(courtesy of Tyler Nordgren)

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Last page update on February 26, 2012.
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