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 Annular Solar Eclipse of 2008 February 7
 Ellsworth Land, Antarctica

Because of the extreme Antarctic weather, any expedition requires a good knowledge of the weather systems down there.

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Latest Antarctic Composite Image
Latest low resolution infrared Antarctic composite
(catalog of previous Antarctic composites)

The Antarctic composites are a mosaic of GOES, Meteosat, GMS, DMSP and NOAA satellite data, and are updated every three hours, thus creating eight pictures per day. The Antarctic composite may have regions that are blacked out or look gray in color. These areas of black or gray space, other than the latitude and longitude lines and continent outlines, indicate missing imagery or a lack of satellite coverage.
For further reference please visit Real-Time Weather Data and Displays.

Latest mid-resolution (10 kilometer) infrared Antarctic composite image
Latest full resolution (5 kilometer) infrared Antarctic composite image
Latest mid-resolution (10 kilometer) synoptic chart
Latest mid-resolution (10 kilometer) infrared pseudo-color Antarctic composite image

Latest infrared satellite image (NOAA Aviation Weather Center)

Satellite Image Eclipse-City Mount Vinson 2008 Annular Eclipse Expedition
Satellite image of the "Eclipse-City Mount Vinson 2008 Annular Solar Eclipse" expedition

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Last page update on September 25, 2006.
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Xavier M. Jubier