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USA Flag Observatories in Hawai‘i, USA

The Haleakala High Altitude Observatory Site, on the Island of Maui, is the site of Hawaii’s first astronomical research. "Seeing" conditions on Haleakala can be as good as on Mauna Kea, a site recognized to have the best astronomical conditions for ground-based observatories.
The 4,205 meter (13,796 ft) high summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii houses the world’s largest observatory for optical, infrared and submillimeter astronomy. Telescopes are operated by astronomers from eleven countries. A tropical inversion cloud layer about 600 meters (2,000 ft) thick, well below the summit, isolates the upper atmosphere from the lower moist maritime air and ensures that the summit skies are pure, dry, and free from atmospheric pollutants.
Special thanks to the University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy, CHFT and Keck Observatory for organizing my visit of the observatories.

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Haleakala Volcano Maui
Haleakala volcano on Maui

Haleakala National Park Maui
Haleakala National Park

Haleakala Crater Maui
Haleakala crater on Maui

Mauna Kea Mauna Loa Haleakala
Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa
from the Haleakala summit

Maui Space Surveillance Complex Haleakala U.S. Air Force
Maui Space Surveillance Complex
(U.S. Air Force)

PanSTARRS-1 Dome Haleakala
Magnum (University of Tokyo) and
PanSTARRS-1 (University of Hawaii)

PanSTARRS-1 Dome Haleakala
PanSTARRS-1 dome
(University of Hawaii)

Mees Solar Observatory Haleakala
Mees Solar Observatory
(University of Hawaii)

Mees Solar Telescope Haleakala
Mees Solar Telescope
(University of Hawaii)

Solar C Observatory Haleakala
Solar-C Telescope
(Institute for Astronomy)



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Last page update on September 15, 2007.
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Xavier M. Jubier