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 Solar Eclipse Workshop 2009 (SEW 2009) in New Delhi, India

A Crossroad on India & Eclipses of Sun

The greatest solar eclipse of the 21st century is just a few months away. This eclipse will cross India from West to East. The wide path of totality passes over the states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh and through highly populated regions of India. Millions of citizens will watch the eclipse occurring in the sky over their cities. Apart from the wide path of totality the entire country will witness a partial eclipse in the morning hours of Wednesday, July 22nd. The significance of the eclipse is heightened as it is occurring during the International Year of Astronomy.
It’s a cliché, but this is the eclipse of a lifetime for Indians in their home country. It’s an opportunity that cannot be missed, the next Total Solar Eclipse occurs over India only on 2034 March 20th! Although there is an eclipse scheduled to occur on 2010 January 15th, it’s only an Annular Solar Eclipse and is visible over southern part of India, around Kanya Kumari and Adam’s Bridge.
To prepare for the 2009 eclipse, Eclipse Chasers Athenæum, the eclipse sphere of SPACE, is conducting "Solar Eclipse Workshop" from 9th to 11th January, 2009 in New Delhi.
Eminent scientists, experienced eclipse chasers, eclipse planners from India and abroad are conducting sessions in the workshop. The sessions will deal with observing, photographing, planning, logistics and showing the eclipse to a large number of audiences in your organisation, school and city. The workshop is a must for everyone with eclipse on their minds, be it astronomers, adventurers, photographers.
This Solar Eclipse Workshop is an intensive three day workshop. All aspects of a successful Solar Eclipse observation will be discussed. Participants will leave with a definite plan for their own eclipse observation. There will be discussions on planning experiments, instrumentation, travel and logistics, anything and everything related to eclipse watching. The aim of this workshop is "Take-Home-an-Eclipse-Plan". Wether you want to observe the eclipse, photograph it, or show the eclipse to a large audience, all related aspects will be discussed to help you make definite plan. The workshop intends to bring together professional and amateur astronomers, ecliptomaniacs, umbraphiles and eclipse chasers to share their information, knowledge, and experience.

Update : each participant will get a DVD with all of the workshop presentations and other valuable information at leisure.

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Lectures & Workshops
We have invited international guest speakers, to give a lecture on their own specialized subject. In addition to the invited speakers, we have quite a number of speakers and workshops lined up.
The topics in blue are all indoor presentations. The topics in orange are all outdoor demonstration under the pleasant winter Sun in the afternoon.

Day 1: Friday January 9th, 2009
Time Title Speaker Duration Abstract Biography
09:00 Welcome, about S.P.A.C.E., Eclipse Chasers Athenæum, Heliodyssey, Astronomica Sachin Bahmba 30mn
09:30 Understanding the basics of an eclipse C.B. Devgun 30+10mn abstract biography
10:10 Eclipses in India since the year 1800 Sheridan Williams 30+10mn abstract biography
10:50 Historical solar eclipses and transits in India N. Rathnasree 30+10mn abstract biography
11:30 Tea Break
12:00 Mapping & Circumstances — Solar Eclipses — 2008 Annular in Antarctica Xavier M. Jubier 40+10mn abstract biography
12:50 How to plan a total solar eclipse adventure for groups... large or small Eric Brown 30+10mn abstract biography
11:30 Lunch
14:00 Public demonstration methods Vikrant Narang
Nikhil Pawar
14:45 Capture the entire eclipse on one a 24x36mm piece of film Ajay Talwar 45mn abstract biography
15:30 We know where the eclipse is - now what about the weather? Jay Anderson 45+15mn abstract biography
16:30 Tea Break
17:00 Eclipse photography using a digital SLR, image processing techniques Sheridan Williams 45+15mn abstract biography
18:00 Shadow band campaign in India Hari Om Vats 45+15mn abstract biography
19:00 End of first day proceedings
Day 2: Saturday January 10th, 2009
Time Title Speaker Duration Abstract Biography
09:00 Exploring TSE effects on surface and atmosphere of the earth Satyendra Bhandari 30+15mn abstract biography
09:45 Small science from a solar eclipse: shadow measurements and errors with Jantar Mantar Instruments during a solar eclipse N. Rathnasree 30+15mn abstract biography
10:30 Solar eclipse experiments for students James R. Huddle 30+15mn abstract biography
11:15 Tea Break
11:30 Success and science at total solar eclipses Jay M. Pasachoff 45+15mn abstract biography
12:30 Photo and polarimetric observations of the eclipse corona Ashok Ambastha 45+15mn abstract biography
13:30 Group Photo
13:40 Lunch
14:00 Eye safety & Eclipse filters
Imaging the elusive shadow bands
Vikrant Narang 45mn
14:45 Full solar disk H-alpha Imaging
Udaipur Solar Observatory
Sanjay Gosain
Sudhir Gupta
Dalchan Purohit
15:30 Observing the solar corona from space Dipankar Banerjee 45+15mn abstract biography
16:30 Tea Break
17:00 Why does the Sun have a corona? Arnab Rai Choudhuri 45+15mn abstract biography
18:00 Some important achievements during total eclipses of the Sun Krishnanand Sinha 40+10mn abstract biography
19:00 End of second day proceedings
Day 3: Sunday January 11th, 2009
Time Title Speaker Duration Abstract Biography
09:00 Open house All speakers 90mn
10:30 The greatest eclipse of 21st century is passing through India Vikrant Narang 20+10mn abstract biography
11:10 Experiencing a total solar eclipse, rapid sequence of events Ajay Talwar 15+10mn abstract biography
11:35 As the eye saw it! Ajay Talwar 15+10mn abstract biography
12:00 Tea Break
12:15 Best portable mounts for eclipse travel, telescopes for eclipse imagery   30mn
  Automated eclipse photography, corona, Baily’s beads
Imagers for solar eclipses
Ajay Talwar
Vikrant Narang
13:00 Closing the Solar Eclipse Workshop Sachin Bahmba 30mn
13:30 End of Solar Eclipse Workshop
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The Shankar Lal Concert Hall is located inside the New Delhi University campus. The campus grounds are a beautiful and prestigious fitting place to hold this workshop. The Concert Hall has gardens all round to hold equipment demonstrations and observe the Sun. The auditorium is large enough to hold about 350 participants.

Address :
Shankar Lal Concert Hall
University of Delhi
New Delhi - 110 007

Lat = 28° 41′ 33.1″ N
Long = 77° 13′ 04.3″ E
Elevation = 735 ft or 224 m
Registration :
Please complete the form and view the payment details, then send the completed form, together with your payment to sew@eclipsechasers.org. As soon as you receive our confirmation, you are registered.

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Last page update on December 11, 2008.
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Xavier M. Jubier