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Libyan Flag Solar Eclipse in Libya ليبيا (Great Libyan Jamahiriya)

Many rumors have spread over the past months in various distribution lists on the Internet. Those rumors, regarding the organization of the 2006 March 29 Total Solar Eclipse in Libya, have caused havoc for many tour operators in Libya.
In order to stop all these rumors, the first newsletter was published on September 15, 2005. The second newsletter is the official announcement by the Libyan authorities of the viewing sites’ construction attribution.

Newsletters :  10/22/2005 |  09/09/2005
Kussuf 2006

To view the eclipse tours and prices please use this link (book soon space is going fast). Some of our tours are also proposed by our french reseller (in French). An International Symposium on solar Physics and Eclipses will be held during three days inside our Waw an Namus viewing site. Additional side trips are also proposed.
To book these packages or if you need more information please (limited space left) and drop a word or two in my Guest BookGuest Book.
You can download the recently published Lonely Planet Libyan Eclipse 2006 Highlights Pack PDF Acrobat Reader file. This document contains information on Libya and the 2006 March 29 total solar eclipse where "Eclipse-City" is mentioned on pages 11 and 22.
Please have a look down this page and on the interactive Google maps section to learn more about the eclipse circumstances along the eclipse path.

  The "Eclipse-City" team
  Eclipse-City Libya 2006 Robert A. Schreuders
Federico Avellán-Borgmeyer
Xavier M. Jubier

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Licensed Viewing Sites

Eclipse-City Waw an Namus Libya 2006 Space Imaging
"Eclipse-City" Waw an Namus from space
(©2005 Space Imaging LLC)

Eclipse-City Waw al kabir Libya 2006 Space Imaging
"Eclipse-City" logistics hub from space
(©2005 Space Imaging LLC)

Eclipse-City Waw Namus Viewing Site Libya August 2005
MIL Mi-8 landed at
"Eclipse-City" Waw an Namus viewing site

Waw an Namus Libya August 2005
Waw an Namus from the air
("Eclipse-City" August 2005)

Jalu South Libya Viewing Site March 29 2006
Jalu South viewing site
(©2005 Space Imaging LLC)

Tobruk South Libya Viewing Site March 29 2006
Tobruk South viewing site
(©2005 Space Imaging LLC)

Cancelled Viewing Sites

Eclipse 2006 Libya Viewing Site
2006 March 29 Eclipse site
("Eclipse-City" Libya 2006)

Eclipse-City Libya 2006 Space Imaging
"Eclipse-City" from space
(©2005 Space Imaging LLC)

Waw an Namus Bir al Maruf Libya Viewing Site October 3 2005 March 29 2006
Waw an Namus - Bir al Maruf viewing site
(©2005 Space Imaging LLC)

Bardiyah Libya Viewing Site March 29 2006
Bardiyah viewing site
(©2005 Space Imaging LLC)

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Last page update on August 9, 2005.
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Guest Book Guest Book
Xavier M. Jubier