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Libyan Flag Libya ليبيا (Great Libyan Jamahiriya)

The Messak Settafet is unique in the world for the abundance and the quality of its rock engravings. You would need months to discover and explore all the rock engravings, knowing their number and scattering on a 10,000 square kilometers (3,860 square miles) massif! Most of them are located far upstream in rock cluttered valleys where you have to go on foot. The best area is around the wadi I-n Habeter because of its easy access. Matkhendush, I-n Galgiwen and El Awrer are the three main sites on the first kilometers of this wadi.

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Matkhendush Giraffes
Matkhendush giraffes

Matkhendush Giraffe
Matkhendush giraffe

Matkhendush Giraffe
Matkhendush giraffe and radial trap

Matkhendush Ox
Matkhendush ox (bovin)

Matkhendush Ox
Matkhendush ox (bovin)

Matkhendush Rhinoceros
Matkhendush rhinoceros

Matkhendush Ostriches
Matkhendush ostriches

Matkhendush Elephant
Matkhendush elephant

Matkhendush Cat
Matkhendush cats
Matkhendush Crocodile
Matkhendush crocodile
Matkhendush Lizard
Matkhendush lizard



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Last page update on June 3, 2004.
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Xavier M. Jubier