What’s new in Mercury Venus Transit Maestro

Both the free Mercury Venus Transit Maestro and paid Mercury Venus Transit Maestro Pro provide a host of features. To get access to numerous settings, you will need to use contextual menus.
Latest new features in Mercury Venus Transit Maestro:

SBIG CCD cameras with filter wheels support
All the SBIG CCD cameras with filter wheels are supported both in USB or Ethernet.

Weather predictions
World, regional and local weather predictions are all available. Statistical data over 25 years is as well.

Configuration wizard
Basic configuration can be done using a wizard.

Canon DSLRs support
Canon DSLR cameras are now supported.

DSLR datetime synchronization
The date and time of cameras can be automatically synchronized to the computer time.

Location list
The photographer’s locations can now be saved and restored.

Google Earth kmz files
Ability to generate Google Earth kmz files of the transit limit curves and geometry.

Mouse-over location tracking
The coordinates of the mouse pointer over the transit map are now displayed just like in Google Earth. A maximum transit diagram at the mouse-over location can also be displayed.

Google Earth and Google Maps
Ability to view the transit path in Google Earth and/or Google Maps.

Moon surface
The surface of the Moon is displayed in place of the gray placeholder.

Remote live view
Ability to use live view enabled cameras for focussing from the computer screen.

Major timers
Display of the major timers in a floating window for readability.

Night view
Ability to switch to a "night view" mode to preserve your dark adaptation.

Continent contours and countries borders
Overlay of the continent contours and countries borders on the transit map.

Sky chart
Display of the transit sky chart in a floating window.

Full camera recognition
The name of a camera used in a script can be auto-completed using its serial number for fully automatic recognition. No manual input is necessary.

Camera simulator
When a DSLR isn’t connected and a script is running, you will hear a shutter sound for each exposure to help you simulate the presence of a camera.

Mercury Venus Transit Maestro Pro users enjoy not only all the great features of Mercury Venus Transit Maestro, but also the following capabilities:

GPS Pulse-Per-Second signal
With a PPS-enabled GPS connected to your computer, you can synchronize the Mac clock to the microsecond.

GPS tracking
When using the application in a plane or ship, the location is updated every second and the transit circumstances are recomputed.

Ability to use bracketing with Nikon cameras.

Application-controlled focus
Ability to drive very finely the focus on Nikon cameras from the Mac.

Customizable interface
Ability to customize the interface.

Live view movie recording
Ability to use live view enabled cameras to save a movie.

Location of the observer
Enter additional information such as Slope to horizon or Temperature in the observer’s location dialog.