Mercury Venus Transit Maestro Icon

Sky Chart window

The window displays the transit sky chart with the planets and first-magnitude stars from your location. Stars to magnitude 2.5 may be displayed, optionally with labels.

  1. Choose Display > Sky Chart…
    Transit Sky Chart Window Transit Sky Chart Contextual Menu
A contextual menu, that can be invoked with a right click, will let you select various options:
  • Show Azimuthal Grid - Show or hide the azimuthal grid in white with a selectable spacing. Off by default.
  • Show Equatorial Grid - Show or hide the equatorial grid in brown with a selectable spacing set by default on Fine (every hour). On by default.
  • Show Ecliptic - Show or hide the ecliptic in yellow. Enabled by default.
  • Show Planets Names - Show or hide the names of the planets in yellow. Enabled by default.
  • Show First-Magnitude Stars - Show or hide the first-magnitude stars with their respective spectral color. Enabled by default.
  • Show Stars Names - Show or hide the name of the first-magnitude stars with their respective spectral color. On by default.
  • Show Second-Magnitude Stars Names - Show or hide the name of the second-magnitude stars with their respective spectral color. Disabled by default.
  • Save PDF File… - Lets you create a color high-resolution PDF file containing the sky chart during the transit.
  • Window Transparency - The window can be made more or less opaque.