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Initial Setup

Transit Preparation

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Camera Configuration



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Transit Elements

Transit circumstances are calculated using the transit elements from Jean Meeus’s Transits book. Formulas are primarily from Jean Meeus’ books Transits and Astronomical Algorithms.

Memory Cards

Using the fastest memory card your camera can handle is highly recommended: doing so will let you take even more exposures by reducing the delay between each picture. SD (Secure Digital) cards tend to be slightly slower than CF (Compact Flash) cards. When available using a XQD or CFast card is a must.
Recommended cards: Lexar Professional (150MB/s), SanDisk Extreme Pro (160MB/s, 100MB/s, 90MB/s), Extreme (60MB/s) or Extreme IV (45MB/s)

The XDQ memory cards (440MB/s 2933x and 168MB/s 1100x) are the fastest and will only be available with the following cameras:
- Nikon D500, D850, D4, D4s, D5 (XQD)

A SanDisk Extreme Pro or any equivalent memory card (160MB/s 1067x UDMA 7, 100MB/s 667x UDMA 7 or 90MB/s 600x UDMA 6) will only be useful with the following cameras:
- Nikon D300, D300s, D700, D3X, D3s, D800/D800E, D810/D810A, D4, D4s, D5 (CF)
- Canon EOS 50D, 7D, 7D Mark II, 5D Mark II, 5D Mark III, 5Ds/5DsR, 1D Mark IV, 1D X, 1D X MkII, 1D C
A Lexar Professional 1066x or any equivalent memory card (160MB/s 1067x UDMA 7 or 150MB/s 1000x UDMA 7) will only be really useful with the following cameras:
- Nikon D800/D800E, D810/D810A, D4, D4s, D5 (CF)
- Canon EOS 7D, 7D Mark II, 5D Mark III, 5D Mark IV, 5Ds/5DsR, 1D X, 1D X MkII, 1D C
However a Lexar Professional 1066x or any equivalent memory card (160MB/s 1067x UDMA 7 or 150MB/s 1000x UDMA 7) will provide substantial gains with the following cameras:
- Nikon D300, D300s, D700, D3X, D3s
- Canon EOS 50D, 5D Mark II, 1D Mark IV

UHS-I U3 capable SD memory cards should be used with the following cameras:
- Nikon D3200, D3300, D3400, D5100, D5200, D5300, D5500, D5600, D7000, D7100, D7200, D7500, D300s, D500, D600, D610, D750, D800/D800E, D810/D810A
- Canon EOS 100D/Rebel SL1/Kiss X7, 200D/Rebel SL2/Kiss X9, 1200D/Rebel T5/Kiss X70, 1300D/Rebel T6/Kiss X80, 650D/Rebel T4i/Kiss X6i, 700D/Rebel T5i/Kiss X7i, 750D/Rebel T6i/Kiss X8i, 800D/Rebel T7i/Kiss X9i, 760D/Rebel T6s/8000D, 77D/9000D, 70D, 80D, 7D Mark II, 6D, 6D Mark II, 5D Mark III, 5D Mark IV, 5Ds/5DsR
- Panasonic GX8, GH4

UHS-II capable SD memory cards should be used with the following cameras:
- Nikon D500, D850
- Panasonic GH5

Before selecting your memory card I encourage you to browse Camera Memory Speed.

Lexar XQD Card
SanDisk Compact Flash Card
Lexar Compact Flash Card
Lexar SanDisk SD Card

Processor Activity

To reduce the CPU activity and give as much time as possible to the process taking pictures while maximizing the autonomy of your laptop, you can turn off or lower the update frequency of the Sun-Planet diagram and transit map animations. When a script is running you can also lower the refresh rate for the countdowns. All this can be done using the contextual menus.

GPS Units and Timing

If you connect a GPS to use it as a timing source, make sure the GPS is reliable enough as a time standard. Run the GPS for a few minutes and then observe the rightmost value on the first line of the main screen (it’s in parentheses, a bit to the right of ClkErr). This is the standard deviation of the GPS timing measurements in seconds. If this number is small (less than 0.1s) your GPS is stable enough. If this number is large, something is wrong with the GPS and it cannot be used. Sometimes a GPS unit will give poor timing results when its display screen is set to a graphically intensive page, so try various GPS display pages to see which gives the most stable timing, leaving it on each page for 1-2 minutes.

License for diagrams and PDF or Google Earth files

All diagrams and PDF or Google Earth files created with Mercury Venus Transit Maestro are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivs 3.0 Unported License that can be viewed at
Creative Commons License Logo


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