Main Screen Layout
Initial Setup
Transit Preparation
Script File Format
Camera Configuration
Shortcuts and Tips
Credits & Acknowledgments
I want to thank all the people that supported or helped me, in the same way as the authors of various books and publications I used to create the Mercury Venus Transit Maestro application.
Mercury Venus Transit Maestro uses third-party materials:
A big thanks to all the beta-testers for the time spent and their suggestions.
The philosophy behind Mercury Venus Transit Maestro is to encourage useful observations of Mercury and Venus transits, thereby increasing our knowledge of the world around us. Accordingly, users are free to disseminate predictions or results generated by Mercury Venus Transit Maestro in a non-commercial manner and all I ask is that there is an acknowledgement that the data was generated by Mercury Venus Transit Maestro.
In circumstances where there is a desire to include Mercury Venus Transit Maestro predictions or results in a commercial publication, you may do so provided that the use of Mercury Venus Transit Maestro is clearly acknowledged.
Where the success of a commercial publication is likely to be dependent upon the output from Mercury Venus Transit Maestro, you do not have automatic permission to include Mercury Venus Transit Maestro outputs in that publication. You will need to contact me and seek written permission.
Where the output of Mercury Venus Transit Maestro is displayed on Google Earth, Google Sky or Google Maps, you will also need to comply with any copyright issues associated with those products.
For the record, I reserve all rights to the source code and any decompilation thereof.