Mercury Venus Transit Maestro 1.1.0 for MacOS X released

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Mercury Venus Transit Maestro 1.1.0 for MacOS X released

Postby xjubier » Thu May 05, 2016 2:16 am

Mercury Venus Transit Maestro 1.1.0 is now available for download.

This release fixes all the reported bugs since the previous 2012 version and many more; under the hood improvements were made as well.

Users of all the previous releases are strongly encouraged to upgrade to this version as it brings improvements and fixes bugs. That way you will be able to enjoy new or improved features and bug fixes as well as transits even more without worrying about operating your digital cameras. Browse the ReadMe file to know more.
Support for previous releases is terminated as of this day. Please report soonest any problem you may encounter.

Here is a short list of the latest improvements and bugfixes:
- Improved Lion compatibility
- Adjusted the ∆T value for ToM 2016 May 9
- Support of all the latest DSLRs from Nikon & Canon as of April 2016
- Multiple bug fixes
- Minor user interface tweaks
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and enhancements

To know more and download Mercury Venus Transit Maestro please visit:

Please direct comments, questions, or problems to me on the support board.
To post you will need to register first, but you'll also benefit from the experience of others to find answers to your questions or problems. Please try to post in English in order to have a larger audience. I will generally answer in English to messages in French, Italian, German or Spanish, unless you clearly specify otherwise.

Clear skies,


PS: please take note that I will be traveling in the Atacama desert, Chile with no way to provide support after May 5th, so you're strongly advised to check your setup soonest
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