Must-read for High Sierra (macOS 10.13.x)

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Must-read for High Sierra (macOS 10.13.x)

Postby xjubier » Mon Jun 03, 2019 1:36 pm

With the High Sierra release in October 2017 Apple has introduced many regressions in its Image Capture Core framework. One of those regressions even causes a crash: I identified this serious issue early, during the beta phase of High Sierra, and even made a small application to reproduce the issue. Yet even though Apple software engineers acknowledged the issue it was never fixed during the whole life cycle of High Sierra. Instead the Apple software manager replied just upgrade to Mojave (10.14.x) where those regressions are fixed!

List of known/identified issues with High Sierra:
- crash upon connection of a camera which has a non-empty memory card inserted. The workaround is to first format the memory card before connecting the camera (pretty inconvenient even though I always recommend using an empty memory card).
- several users report having issue connecting their cameras where they never had any issues with older OSes or Mojave.
- multiple cameras configurations can fail badly with weird and unexplained issues which don't exist with older OSes or Mojave.

[Summary]: :!: Just make sure you don't use High Sierra if you wish to tether control any camera. Outside of cameras the remaining features appear to work fine.
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