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Additional sound files by Fred Espenak

PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:54 pm
by xjubier
Users of Solar Eclipse Maestro can use and provide additional sound files that can be played during the script execution.

Those additional sound files have to be copied in one of the two folders to be available for the scripts:
- user level: ~/Library/Application Support/SolarEclipseMaestro/AdditionalSounds/
- machine level: /Library/Application Support/SolarEclipseMaestro/AdditionalSounds/
Those two folders can be opened directly by selecting the corresponding item in the SEM’s Window menu. Under Lion and Mountain Lion they are hidden by default.
The zip file contains 13 sound files with the voice of Fred Espenak to be used with Solar Eclipse Maestro
(311.63 KiB) Downloaded 1879 times

Thanks Fred.

PS: the original sound files have been compressed