Looking for a script to handle 2 cameras

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Looking for a script to handle 2 cameras

Postby ruruiz05 » Sun Aug 13, 2017 4:40 am


I am not very good at scripting, therefore I would like to see if anyone can help me out.

For the next solar eclipse I want to use SEM to control 2 cameras. One of them is a Nikon D7200 mounted on a Telescope, and the other one is a Nikon D90 with a 28mm lens.

The majority of the script is for the D7200 to obtain the pictures about partial phases, bailies beeds, corona, etc...
On the Nikon D90 I would like to take pictures every 5 minutes to get a complete sequence of the eclipse. I have done this in the past using an intervalometer, but the problem is that I need to change manually the exposure times for totality. I would like to automate this process and to take 3 to 5 pictures of totality with different exposures.

Could anyone provide a hint on how to do this?

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Re: Looking for a script to handle 2 cameras

Postby xjubier » Sun Aug 13, 2017 2:16 pm

ruruiz05 wrote:Could anyone provide a hint on how to do this?

You just give the two cameras different name and then in the same script you mix the actions of the two cameras by providing these names. Any order for the actions is fine since SEM will reorder chronologically upon parsing and execution of the script.
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Re: Looking for a script to handle 2 cameras

Postby moodybarrick » Sat Aug 19, 2017 7:16 pm

Is it possible to have both cameras fire simultaneously
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Re: Looking for a script to handle 2 cameras

Postby xjubier » Wed Aug 30, 2017 9:50 pm

moodybarrick wrote:Is it possible to have both cameras fire simultaneously

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Re: Looking for a script to handle 2 cameras

Postby gmvtex » Sun Mar 10, 2024 11:30 pm

Does this mean that I can create separate scripts using the Configuration wizard for my two cameras (D850 and D810) and then copy and paste all of the script from one into the other and it will run both programs and the shots will be fired simultaneously for both cameras?

I created a new topic because i had not uncovered this area of 'Scripts and Sounds'.

Thanks in advance!

Cheers, Greg
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