Canon Product Advisory for Sierra

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Canon Product Advisory for Sierra

Postby xjubier » Sun Sep 25, 2016 2:09 am

macOS 10.12 (Sierra) Important Announcement

Canon Inc. Headquarters in Japan have announced a number of compatibility issues with the new Operating System macOS 10.12 (Sierra) which will affect tethering their cameras.

If you plan to tether a Canon DSLR then I strongly advise that you do not upgrade your operating system to Sierra until confirmation of full functionality has been provided.

Other functionalities of SEM, LEM and MVTM should operate fine under Sierra. However full compatibility will be restored in the next releases likely by the end of January 2017.

[Update]: It appears that launching Image Capture before connecting any camera, then connecting the camera and finally launch SEM can restore some of the lost functionalities. That said even EOS Utility 3.5.10 doesn't work well and Canon needs to update its software and SDK.
Similar issues occur with Nikon DSLRs.

[Update March] Solar Eclipse Maestro 1.8.5v1 includes the fixes. Make sure you also upgrade to Sierra 10.2.4 as Apple did fix quite a few bugs.

[Update April] Multiple Canon cameras setups still have issues, while a single Canon camera is fine. More fixes coming in May/June with Solar Eclipse Maestro 1.8.6v2.
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