Script message on load [Case Solved]

Support for the Solar Eclipse Maestro photography software.

Script message on load [Case Solved]

Postby Chaser » Sun May 13, 2012 1:42 am

I'm not sure if this is an error or just a warning but I got the following message when I loaded my annular eclipse script.

"The 100% ratio of non incremental over regular exposures is too high. It should be 10% at most to optimize the number of exposures taken in a certain timeframe"

I'm not even sure what this means. My script takes a few shots pre-C1 and then goes from 1-96% and then runs through annularity at 5 sec intervals (starting at 30 sec before C2 to 30 sec after C3) with 1 sec intervals around C2 & C3 (just in case there are some beads to be seen). After C3 it runs from 96 to 1% again.

Any suggestions?

Clear Skies
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Re: Script message on load

Postby xjubier » Sun May 13, 2012 11:44 am

Chaser wrote:"The 100% ratio of non incremental over regular exposures is too high. It should be 10% at most to optimize the number of exposures taken in a certain timeframe"

I'm not even sure what this means. My script takes a few shots pre-C1 and then goes from 1-96% and then runs through annularity at 5 sec intervals (starting at 30 sec before C2 to 30 sec after C3) with 1 sec intervals around C2 & C3 (just in case there are some beads to be seen). After C3 it runs from 96 to 1% again.

To speed up control of the cameras the exposure settings aren't always transmitted, when they don't change from one exposure to the next. SEM looks at the exposure setting and transmit only the one that changed since the last exposure. But from time to time you can decide to force SEM to transmit those settings to ensure the camera has the correct exposure.

This is done by using the parameter in the "Incremental" column: in your case it means you have a lot too many "N", where you could have "Y". If you use exposure loops, then what you should do is force the exposure before the loop using a "N" and then inside the loop use a "Y".
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Re: Script message on load

Postby Chaser » Sun May 13, 2012 11:56 am

OK. I get it. So it's not an error, just a warning that the script could be made more efficient. And as long as the time between exposures is long enough, it should work OK.

I'll probably change it anyway, once I get it working.

Thanks Xavier.

Clear Skies
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Joined: Sun May 13, 2012 1:35 am
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