Trying to run a Sony DSLR with SEM in vain?

Support for the Solar Eclipse Maestro photography software.

Trying to run a Sony DSLR with SEM in vain?

Postby awmeyer » Thu Dec 21, 2023 7:38 am

Hello Xavier and SEMers,
Just recently jumped onto the SEM bandwagon. Clearly SEM is an outstanding package, excellent graphics and script command vocabulary. I separately wrote a long-winded email to Xavier about my trials of SEM with a Sony 6000. Posted this note previously as a reply to another Sony note. Undeterred by all the negative reports here for Sony, installed SEM on an old Macbook running Yosemite. App starts up fine, claims there is no USB cable connected even though there is, and the camera is correctly recognized (ILCE-6000). SEM does make the camera take an exposure every time commanded, by the "Fire" button or running script commands. Bad news is the exposure times are not the values commanded. The exposure time usually does change when a different value is in the script command, but not to that value. Camera is in Manual mode.
As Xavier mentions in a reply to one of the other Sony mourners, there is a WiFi control path, but I gather it's this USB path to Sonys that's unworkable. I do have an iOS app called "Shutter" (website that does accurately set exposure times through the WiFi path. I don't suppose there would be any way to cannibalize or hack that to patch a workable Sony control interface onto SEM?? I saw there was a query about fixed f-ratios for cameras on telescopes. I'm using an old Sigma 600 mm with no iris, fixed at f/8. I put f/8 in the script commands, but my impression is that it doesn't matter. Seems so unlikely, but have to ask, could there be any way the SEM commanded exposure time might get messed up (or ignored) if the f-stop requested in the command can't be executed through the camera??
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Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2023 1:18 am
Location: San Jose, CA, USA

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