Erratic behavior Canon EOS 6D [Case Solved]

Support for the Solar Eclipse Maestro photography software.

Erratic behavior Canon EOS 6D [Case Solved]

Postby Robert Wagner » Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:47 pm


I am planning to use a 2-camera setup, with a Canon EOS 7D and a Canon EOS 6D connected. I encounter yet not understood behavior.
System OS X 10.9.5, Solar Eclipse Maestro 1.8.3(900).

When only connecting the Canon EOS 6D, firmware 1.1.6, I run this script:

TAKEBST,C2,-,00:25:0,6D,1/100,8.0,200,3,RAW,None,N,test #1
TAKEBST,C2,-,00:20:0,6D,1/100,5.6,100,5,RAW,None,N,test #3
TAKEPIC,C2,-,00:10:0,6D,1/100,5.6,100,1.0,RAW,None,N,test #5

in the Solar Eclipse Maestro window the commands are correctly shown, so I assume no syntax errors.

the 6D reacts as follows:
- takes ONE picture in #1 with given ISO/f/exposure values
- takes ONE picture in #3 with given ISO/f/exposure values
- ignores command #5

==> so it seems when requesting TAKEPIC nothing happens
==> when requesting TAKEBST a picture is taken


Feb 19 23:37:01 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Notice>: The mirror lock-up couldn't be disabled on Canon camera #1 (Property Mismatch). DO IT MANUALLY in CFn as otherwise no picture will be taken.
Feb 19 23:37:01 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Info>: Current exposure program (shooting) mode on Canon camera #1 is 'Manual (M)' (0x0003)
Feb 19 23:37:01 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Info>: Canon lens 50mm on camera #1
Feb 19 23:37:02 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Info>: Camera #1 date and time set to: 20160219T223702.0Z
Feb 19 23:37:02 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Info>: Camera #1 settable properties initialized
Feb 19 23:37:22 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Notice>: Acquisition mode on Canon camera #1 not set to CL (line #4 - Device Busy)
Feb 19 23:37:27 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Notice>: Acquisition mode on Canon camera #1 not set to CL (line #7 - Device Busy)
Feb 19 23:37:37 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Notice>: Error while taking picture with camera #1 '6D' (line #10 - Property Mismatch)

there seem to be issues, but it is not obvious to me what's the reason.

when using both cameras with a script like this:

TAKEBST,C2,-,00:25:0,6D,1/100,8.0,200,3,RAW,None,N,test #1
TAKEBST,C2,-,00:24:0,7D,1/60,7.1,100,3,RAW,None,N,test #2
TAKEBST,C2,-,00:20:0,6D,1/100,5.6,100,5,RAW,None,N,test #3
TAKEBST,C2,-,00:19:0,7D,1/60,7.1,100,5,RAW,None,N,test #4
TAKEPIC,C2,-,00:10:0,6D,1/100,5.6,100,1.0,RAW,None,N,test #5
TAKEPIC,C2,-,00:05:0,7D,1/60,7.1,100,1.0,RAW,None,N,test #6

6D shows the same behavior.
7D acts as expected.

Is there any obvious error on my side in camera configuration?

Best regards,
Robert Wagner
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:00 pm
Location: Munich, Germany

Re: Erratic behavior Canon EOS 6D

Postby Robert Wagner » Sat Feb 20, 2016 12:17 am


TAKEBST,C2,-,00:25:0,6D,1/100,8.0,200,3,RAW,None,N,test #1
TAKEBST,C2,-,00:24:0,7D,1/60,7.1,100,3,RAW,None,N,test #2

TAKEBST,C2,-,00:20:0,6D,1/100,5.6,100,5,RAW,None,N,test #3
TAKEBST,C2,-,00:19:0,7D,1/60,7.1,100,5,RAW,None,N,test #4

TAKEPIC,C2,-,00:10:0,6D,1/100,5.6,100,1.0,RAW,None,N,test #5
TAKEPIC,C2,-,00:05:0,7D,1/60,7.1,100,1.0,RAW,None,N,test #6

TAKEPIC,C2,-,00:03:0,6D,1/100,5.6,100,0.0,RAW,None,N,test #7

camera behavior as above, and 6D executes #7

==> BST mode on 6D does not seem to work
instead of BST mode 6D simply seems to take 1 pic

==> MLU on 6D does not seem to work
when requesting MLU 6D simply seems to ignore the command.

this behavior can be reproduced when trying the "Single Exposure with Settings" command. When requesting MLU, the picture is just not taken.
log file:
Feb 20 00:15:42 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Info>: Test shutter speed camera #1 set to: 1/2000s
Feb 20 00:15:42 Solar Eclipse Maestro[47215] <Info>: Test image quality camera #1 set to: RAW
but NO following "SIML... line"

is there any obvious failure on my side that results in the unavailability of BST mode and MLU for the 6D?

Robert Wagner
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Feb 19, 2016 4:00 pm
Location: Munich, Germany

Re: Erratic behavior Canon EOS 6D

Postby xjubier » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:51 am

Robert Wagner wrote:==> BST mode on 6D does not seem to work
instead of BST mode 6D simply seems to take 1 pic

==> MLU on 6D does not seem to work
when requesting MLU 6D simply seems to ignore the command.

Robert, I'm aware of the issue with the MLU on the 6D (this camera model has a specific way of managing the MLU). I have a fix and it will be included in the coming SEM release. In the meantime I can provide you a beta version so you can check the fix is working with your 6D. Please send me an e-mail to request it.

UPDATE: fixed in the current 1.8.4v1 release
The next release will bring major improvements in the camera scheduler.
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