Mercury Venus Transit Maestro Icon

Camera Property Events Analysis Window

To visualize a detailed report of the camera property events, you can open the Camera Property Events Analysis window in Mercury Venus Transit Maestro. Well used this feature can detect the properties Canon is using in its SDK, so that the very same actions can later be copied. This feature is available only when at least a digital camera is connected.

  1. First make sure that any script file, regular and emergency, is unloaded (⌘U or Unload Script in the File menu).
  2. Then choose Camera > Property Events Analysis…
    Camera Property Events Analysis Window
    Using the contextual menu you can then save the content of the window to a text file.
  3. The report is of no use to the end-user. However it can help me support a camera or specific features of a camera. Whenever something doesn’t work with your camera, please send me a copy of the report as an attached file at or by e-mail.