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Using the GPS unit

To view the GPS satellites being used and their signal to noise ratio in Mercury Venus Transit Maestro you have to open the GPS Satellite window. Some units, such as the GPSMap 76, may not be able to report the satellite contellation used to provide the position and time.

  1. Choose Setup > GPS Satellite Window…
    GPS Satellite Window GPS Glonass Satellite Window

When a GPS unit is connected to the Mac, you can transfer the coordinates and altitude given by the device. All Garmin USB GPS units using the proprietary Garmin PVT protocol (untested with serial devices using a serial to USB converter) are supported and provide real-time positioning. Receivers that only operate in Mass Storage mode while connected can not provide real-time positioning (please refer to Garmin Spanner mode); nevertheless the last position, while the receiver was not connected, is stored inside the unit and can be read.
Recommended models are (Mass Storage mode must be deactivated and interface set to GARMIN with older units and Garmin Spanner with newer ones):

All serial GPS receivers conforming to the NMEA 0183 standard should also be supported. To configure those devices connect them first either with a Serial to USB adapter or by Bluetooth.
Recommended models are:

For more information see Setting the observer’s location.

With Mercury Venus Transit Maestro Pro and an appropriate GPS unit, the Mac can use the Pulse-Per-Second signal to determine the clock error adjustment.

For receivers that only operate in Mass Storage mode while connected, only the last position, while the receiver was not connected, is to be read. Models usually are:

The recommended settings for tracks can be found below.

  1. Recording waypoints every second is usually not necessary.
    Garmin GPS Track Setting