Configure Serial GPS Unit
To setup the serial GPS receivers in Solar Eclipse Maestro you have to open the Serial Device Configuration dialog.
If you’re using a Bluetooth device, then you must first pair the GPS device with your Mac so that it can be used by Solar Eclipse Maestro. To do this please select the Bluetooth control panel of the System Preferences before clicking on the Pair button next to your GPS receiver. Once done one or more serial ports will be created, this is one of those that you will need to select in Solar Eclipse Maestro to connect to your GPS.

If you’re using a GPS unit that is plugged in the USB port through a Serial to USB adapter, such as the KeySpan USA-19HS, then proceed to the control panel associated with the adapter.
Now back in Solar Eclipse Maestro choose Setup > Configure Serial GPS Unit…
Select the serial port that outputs the NMEA 0183 data.
For example for a Garmin GLO receiver it will port COM5 (the two other available ports, COM7 and COM9, are not appropriate). The port of your GPS receiver will likely be different.
Then select the baud rate.
By default it is set to 4800 bps because it is part of the NMEA 0183 standard. However your unit may also operate at a different value, so please check with the manufacturer of the device or try other values if it doesn’t work.
After which you should choose the parity, data and stop bits.
All these parameters are set to default values of the NMEA 0183 standard and are unlikely to require any modification. Nevertheless please check with manufacturer of the device.
Once finished, click on the OK button.
These parameters are then saved and the next time your receiver is connected the device will be recognized.