Topographic Map Lunar Limb Window
The window displays a topographic map with the lunar limb overlaid from the current location.
Choose Display > Lunar Limb Profiles Comparison… and then select Visualize Lunar Limb on Topographic Map in the contextual menu over the graph.
The topographic map is displayed in high-resolution to help visualize the lunar features belonging to the lunar limb area. This area is highlighted by a transparent dark band.
The altimetric scale unit is meters.
A contextual menu, that can be invoked with a right click, will let you select various options:
- Topographic Map resolution - Select the resolution of the map. 5760 by 2880 pixels by default.
- Show Lunar Limb Feature Names - Show or hide the name of features on the Moon. Displayed by default.
- Display Lunar Limb Feature Names Diagonally - Display the names of the lunar features tilted at 45 degrees. Deactivated by default.
- Show Second and Third Contact Areas - Identify or not the areas of second and third contacts on the topographic map. Identified by default.
- Save the Topographic Map to a PNG File… - Lets you create a color high-resolution PNG image file containing the lunar limb area overlaid on the topographic map.
By default the position of the lunar limb area on the topographic map is drawn using the lunar libration values of the current eclipse. When using those libration values, the second and third contact positions are indicated by respectively an orange and green circle. However the libration in longitude and in latitude popup menus allow to visualize the map for a different libration than the default one. The Current Values button allows to go back to the values of the current eclipse.
A clic anywhere in the map area will display in the lower left corner of the window the selenographic coordinates in degrees.