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Eclipse Path Data

To visualize, copy or save the eclipse path data in Solar Eclipse Maestro you have to open the Eclipse Path Data dialog.

  1. Choose Display > Eclipse Path Data…
  2. Path coordinates are displayed in decimal notation every 15 seconds and at sea level by default.
    Eclipse Path Data Dialog
  3. The time step-size increment and elevation can both be modified. The step-size increment can take any integer value from 1 to 900 seconds, that is 15 minutes. The default elevation is sea level as most eclipse path are computed that way. However, the elevation values can be in the range of 0 to 500,000 meters to accomodate special needs, such as from a jet aircraft or even from space.
    Then you need to click on the Compute button to display the new data.
  4. A contextual menu, that can be invoked with a right click over the eclipse path data, will let you select various options:
    • Decimal Notation DDD.ddddd - Display the path coordinates in decimal notation
    • Degrees Minutes DDDMM.mmm - Display the path coordinates in degrees and minutes format
    • Degrees Minutes Seconds DDDMMSS.s - Display the path coordinates in degrees, minutes and seconds format
    • Save Content To Text File… - Allow the user to save the eclipse path data to a text file
    Eclipse Path Data Contextual Menu

Only the total and annular eclipses, hence the hybrids as well, are handled.