Exposure Sequence Analysis Window
To visualize the exposure sequence of the current eclipse, you can open the Exposure Sequence Analysis window in Solar Eclipse Maestro. The value in the Time Incrt column will let you determine if the next exposure might be dropped by the camera. This will help you sanitize your exposure sequence.
Choose Camera > Exposure Sequence Analyzer…
This window is automatically synchronized with the main window, which means that if you modify a script and reload it, then the information in the window will be instantly updated without having to close it first.
The Idle Time column indicates the available time between the current and previous camera actions taking into account the shutter speed and mirror lock-up time, if used, plus a lag time (time needed by the camera to receive and carry out the action).
A value of less than 1 to 2 seconds should be scrutinized carefully. The minimum acceptable value will mostly depend on the camera model, its sensor resolution, and the write speed of the memory card used. Canon cameras are often capable of using a one second interval and sometimes even less, when Nikon cameras are often in the just under two seconds ballpark, but the D4 that is capable to reach the one second mark.
To help you detect those mistakes, you can specify a minimum value that will trigger the display of an indicator (danger or stop sign) when the spacing between two consecutive exposures is too short.
A contextual menu that can be invoked with a right click over the exposure sequence, will let you save the information to a text file.