Copyright Notice
Unless otherwise stated, all text and images are copyrighted by Xavier M. Jubier — All Rights Reserved.
Prior permission must be obtained for the reproduction or use of textual and multimedia information (images, video, sound, software, etc.) and their source must be acknowledged.
If you’re interested in purchasing prints of any pictures or have questions, please contact me at this address.
Printing of photos for personal use is granted provided you leave a message in my Guest Book.
Non-commercial Web use of photos (personal home page or non-commercial Web service) is usually granted by providing a hyperlinked credit, such as Photographs courtesy <a href="http://xjubier.free.fr/">Xavier Jubier</a> , on every page where one of my photos appears.
For commercial Web use of photos you will have to at least register the URL with me and provide a hyperlinked credit, such as Photographs courtesy <a href="http://xjubier.free.fr/">Xavier Jubier</a> , on every page where one of my photos appears.
For use of photos and Web pages in print please contact me. If you’re a non-profit organization and want to use one of my photos in a printed brochure or magazine, you can do so at no charge with a "Photo courtesy Xavier Jubier (http://xjubier.free.fr/) " credit.
If you see one of my pictures in a magazine or a Web page and there is no credit, then it is almost surely unauthorized.
Animated flags and other images, video or sounds are copyrighted by their respective owners :